Happy 30th Birthday
12 Feb 2018, Faten Syamimie, To start off with, I am so proud of you. Life hasn't been too easy on you lately, and I am truly sorry about that. But despite it all, you have managed to keep your head up and continue fighting throughout. Be proud of everything you have gone through and mostly what you've become. Stop being so hard on yourself. Everything will make sense to you one day. All the pain, hurt and frustation will become worth it. Remember, everything happens for a particular reason. You are in exact place you are meant to be right now. So breath, be patient and trust the course of your life. Let go of all the expectations you have created in your head. Accept reality as it comes. Accepts life for what it is. Dont take everything so personally and try not to let others get you down. Most of the time, things have nothing to do with you, and everything to do with the others person. When people hurt you, try and understand their side of the story. Forgive them. Le...